Friday, 23 December 2016

23/12/2016: Merry Christmas!

Hey everyone,

first off, season's greetings and all that, hope everyone is having a happy time regardless of how you choose to celebrate the season; any kind of celebration to beat out this cold, dark time is okay with me!

In regard to the game itself, the coding aspect is coming along nicely (minus a few bumps in the road) and among other things I've now worked out things like walking up and down slopes, hanging from ledges, crouching to avoid attacks and even the 'struggle' system that those who've played similar games will be familiar with!

Most of my time is spent getting toward the first Demo I hope to put out for you all, to show what I want the game to be like and get some feedback for how everything works. This will of course take a lot of time, as I plan for the demo itself to be the first level of the game (or at least some of it), so as well as the focus on the mechanical aspect of the game I've been hard at work making background assets, floor and wall tiles, miscellaneous debris and clutter, and of course all of the character and enemy animations that will make up the core... 'interest' of the game xD

With that said, I'd like to show off my latest effort, but will link to it to avoid any kind of NSFW unpleasantness on this site; not too familiar with the rules yet:

That there is a concept picture of what I hope the game over CGs will look like, only they'll be a bit better as I'll have hopefully been in the swing of drawing for a while at that point.

What with the many, many assets needed to get this far into development I've neglected my Tablet and stylus, and I thought I'd make a proof of concept before I fully got my hand back in action (lol) and started producing them properly.

You won't get to see them all of course; gotta save something for the game! ;)

Anyway, Merry everything once again, and I will attempt to update this blog more regularly in future as updates begin to pour in at a faster rate.

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