Hey Everyone,
Just a small update, not much in the way of show-able progress this past month but I'll be posting up some of the completed animations as I get them done!
I've not mentioned before on this blog but the way I tend to work on these animations is very piecemeal, and mostly falls down to what I want to work on on the given day; so for example I've got 5 player animations sitting about 70-80% done, all of which I've been working on simultaneously for a bit of variety.
That's the cool thing about this project that I find, in that I love being creative but the only way I can stay doing so is by changing up what type of thing I'm creating; so animations one day, illustrating the next, working on coding after that etc.
But I'm happy to say that the full set of Amber's animations is almost complete, for testing purposes anyway. There's going to be a lot of ways to navigate the levels so as you can imagine there are a lot of different forms of movement to animate! Most recently the animations for running, climbing ropes/pipes/chains, and crawling have been completed, with climbing ladders/swimming being the last couple to go.
I realize that, realistically, that isn't why most people are here, so worry not friends, a new H-Animation will be in the works pretty dang soon, to be featured in the demo ^^
Hope everyone's having a great day, thanks for reading!
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